Process for Patients
Steps to Take
- Establish yourself as a patient at IONA CANNABIS CLINIC (ICC): Dr. Sonn will see you, take a medical history, complete a physical exam, and open a patient chart. We will discuss medical risks, benefits. alternative treatment, previous treatment attempted and outcomes.
- Because Florida considers medical marijuana to be an experimental drug doctors must explore other treatment options before medical marijuana is given. For this reason it is possible you must wait 3 months before you will receive medical cannabis.
- If are a qualified patient and you have been a patient of Dr. Sonn for 3 months you will then be added to the Compassionate Use Registry by ICC and given a specific patient number.
- ICC will then enter your patient number into the University of Florida College of Pharmacy database and actually enter your prescription.
- It then becomes your responsibility to contact a dispensary of your choice to purchase and have medications delivered. We do have a price list for all dispensaries who deliver to LEE county in addition to all locations of dispensaries throughout the state of Florida to assist in these decisions.
- At this time not all licensed dispensaries are able to deliver to LEE county but we do expect this to improve as more patients are certified. Dr. Sonn is well versed in recommendation of dispensaries as he tries to maintain a working relationship with all.
- Our dedicated staff at ICC will be with you throughout this entire process and will do what ever is necessary to allow you the medical freedom to chose your own appropriate treatments.